Monday, January 28, 2019

Under the school’s initiative of ROTI BANK, on 28th January 2019, the students of Mount Abu Public School distributed stuffed Roti to the needy and underprivileged. The students brought the stuffed Roti rolled and wrapped in a foil. The collected Rotis were distributed by the members of lead team, the same afternoon during lunch hours, to the destitute people in the school’s neighbouring area.

Monday, January 14, 2019


Under the initiative, ROTI BANK of the school, the children distributed STUFFED ROTI/PARANTHA to the underprivileged and contributed their bit to serve the society on 14 January 2019. The day coincided with MAKAR SANKRANTI, an auspicious day to serve good for others according to Hindu Mythology. This is another form of community service that the school is involved into for helping the needy. The children brought ROTI/STUFFED PARANTHA rolled and wrapped in a foil and the lead team of the school distributed the same to the needy people in the vicinity. The Principal appreciated the concern shown by the children and parents in this regard.